• Teatre


One of our country's most biting theatre companies takes a look at the living room and puts its collective finger on the sore spot by talking about how we bring up our children. What if, rather than kids, we are raising tyrants?

There can be little doubt that this new play by Joglars will lead many spectators to think of the children of their friends or neighbours… or, perhaps, their own offspring. Because, VIP is a comedy enacted on stage, many of the situations portrayed by the five actors – who create a total of thirty or more characters – are as real as life itself. It is true, children have become Very Important People in our society, and we want to give them the comfortable lives that we did not have. But perhaps we are turning them into impossible creatures who will inevitably become dictators. Sarcastic, acidic and ironic, VIP asks us whether our education system and our obsession with children’s rights is not leading parents and teachers to fall into a trap they made themselves. Audiences will be rocking in their seats as they see how adults take every chance to go wrong and create little monsters.

Artistic card

Autoria: Ramon Fontserè, Martina Cabanas; Traducció: Ramon Fontserè, Martina Cabanas; Direcció: Ramon Fontserè; Intèrprets: Ramon Fontserè, Pilar Sáenz, Dolors Tuneu, Xavi Sais, Xevi Vilà; Escenografia: Martina Cabanas; Vestuari: Laura Garcia; Attrezzo: Txell Cabanas, Xevi Vilà, Xavi Sais; Màscares: Eulàlia Sellarès; Ajudant de vestuari: Marina Pujades; Moviment: Sílvia Brossa; Ajudant de direcció: Martina Cabanas; Disseny d'il·luminació: Bernat Jansà; Disseny de so: Guillermo Mugular; Mestre de timbales: Marc Casas ; Assessorament musical: Enrique Sánchez Ramos; Assessorament d'escenografia: Montse Sagalés; Coordinació tècnica: Manel Melguizo; Producció executiva: Montserrat Arcarons, Alba Espinasa; Gira: Alba Espinasa; Disseny gràfic:; Servei d'àpats: Hort d'en Roca (Rupit); Fotografia: David Ruano;



  • Start date
  • End date
  • Schedule
    Tuesday to Friday, 9 pm; Saturday, 6.30 and 9.30 pm; Sunday, 7 pm
  • Space


    Avinguda del Para€lel, 62, 08001 Barcelona

  • Duration
    90 min
  • Price
    20-25 €