Reduction in the number of people injured in traffic accidents in the city

Last year ended with 3.5% fewer people injured in traffic accidents compared to the previous year. Eleven people lost their lives, nine fewer than in 2023. In contrast, the number of serious injuries among vulnerable groups increased, including riders, passengers and pedestrians.
Vehicles circulating on the ring road

21/01/2025 11:17 h

Ajuntament de Barcelona

This was the second year in a row that the numbers dropped. In 2024, the City Police acted in response to over 6,700 traffic accidents involving injuries, with nearly 8,500 people injured. As for fatalities within the first 24 hours there was a significant drop of 45%, with 11 deaths compared to the 20 in 2023.

The highest rate of fatalities was among drivers and riders, accounting for 64% of deaths, followed by passengers. Serious injuries rose however, with an increase of just over 6%.

Motorcycles as the vehicles most at risk

Motorcycles were the type of vehicle involved in the most accidents with serious injuries, whether riders, passengers or pedestrians, with a total of 132 people affected. Serious injuries among vulnerable groups (riders and passengers on motor vehicles with two wheels, cyclists, PMV riders and pedestrians) accounted for 225 people, some 93% of the total.

In contrast, cars and vans represented nearly half of the vehicles linked to the total number of traffic accidents (46%), above two-wheeled vehicles (34%). Accidents involving PMVs were down compared to 2023 and represented less than 5% of the total, slightly above the figure for bicycles.

Distractions and recklessness

The main direct causes of accidents involving pedestrians was not respecting red lights and crossing roads away from pedestrian crossings. Among riders and drivers, the main causes were distractions, not respecting safety distances, improper turns and lane changes.

The main indirect causes, which do not cause the accident but are a factor, were the consumption of alcohol or drugs, the state of the road surface and unsuitable speeds.

New local road safety plan 2025-2030

Coinciding with the balance on accident figures, Barcelona City Council will initially approve the new Local Road Safety Plan 2025-2030 (PLSV). In addition to the Urban Mobility Plan, the aim is to achieve more sustainable, equitable and efficient mobility, at the same time cutting accident risks.

The new PLSV is based on four basic criteria:

  • Prevention of accidents causing the most injuries.
  • Specific measures for vulnerable users.
  • Resolution of issues and causes of the most common accidents.
  • Specific work in cases of fatalities.


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