New measures as part of the Childhood Plan 2021-2030
The update to the “Childhood Plan 2021-2023. Challenges and actions to improve the rights of children and teenagers in Barcelona” introduces a new package of measures scheduled for the period 2024-2027, based on the assessment of the first three years of the plan and the input and opinions of children in the city.
The Childhood Plan 2021-2030. Challenges and actions to improve the rights and children and teenagers in Barcelona is the roadmap that sets out the principles, cross-cutting themes and challenges for the city in terms of children’s rights, as well as the main municipal actions in this sphere.
Three years after its implementation, an update has been presented that again includes children’s voices to define new measures, channelled through the Children’s Agenda and with input from the programme “Children speak”. The update also takes into account the assessment and balance made of the first stage of the plan.
The result is the inclusion of 23 actions in education, health, protection against violence and children’s participation for the period 2024-2027, meaning the plan reaches a total of 76 measures. The new proposals include the Pla Clima Escola, the project to install air-conditioning in 170 schools which got under way this summer and is now in its second stage of implementation.
The package of new actions also includes the enlargement of the municipal network of child-rearing spaces and the Guide for families, which introduces the steps being taken in the city relating to children’s cycle of life, using a highly visual language which is easy to understand.
Assessment of the first stage of the plan
The analysis of the first three years of the plan includes over 200 indicators, with notable ones including achieving 90% of the actions planned and partially achieving 7%.
In addition, the assessment shows that the indicators which are evolving more favourably are linked to the digital divide, early childhood, school segregation, higher education, disability and early support.
The plan also pays special attention to child poverty, vulnerability and the risk of social exclusion: 50% of actions are designed to address these. It also takes into account gender inequalities (with 20% of actions), inequalities on the grounds of origin (18.6%) and inequalities due to disabilities (17%).