The city prepares for the Sant Eulàlia festivities

Traditional culture once again takes centre stage for the city’s winter festival, headed by the city’s joint patron saint. The festivities for Santa Eulàlia start on 7 February, with the protocol dance by the city’s Eagle figure, and conclude on 12 February with the stroll of the Laia figures, the dance for Santa Eulàlia and a fireworks show.
Barcelona’s Eagle figure in Plaça de Sant Jaume on the occasion of Sant Eulàlia

28/01/2025 14:30 h

Ajuntament de Barcelona

During the celebrations, the city will be offering a display of traditional culture for young people and children, with youngsters in the limelight for the festivities. Giants, devils, stick dancers and sardana dancers. The Cors de Clavé choirs, human tower builders, fire and cobla music groups account for much of the cultural programme in Ciutat Vella, with concerts set to fill streets and squares at night.

650 years (or more) of the City Eagle

This year sees the City Eagle (Àliga de la Ciutat) turn 650 years old (or more!), with a special procession around the streets of the Gòtic neighbourhood. This iconic figure will be joined by the Àliga de la Vila de Gràcia and the Colomí de Sant Andreu in a procession setting off from the Palau de la Virreina on Sunday, 9 February.

Full information and the programme on the website


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