Aurora Huerga Barquin, Secretary for Territorial Policy and Migration, CCOO (Workers' Commissions) – Catalonia

She began her working life in Catalonia in 1971 at the age of 14, combining it with her studies. In 1975, she was already a delegate of the Legrain Works Council for CCOO. Her union responsibilities began in the Baix Llobregat (Catalonia) in 1989, where in 1990 she took over the position of Organisation Secretary. In 2000 she was elected General Secretary. She was Secretary of Environment and Social Policies at CCOO Cat from 2009-2011. In 2011, she took over the GS of Federation of Various Activities at CCOO Cat. and in 2017 she was elected GS of the Construction Federation as well, a position that until then had never been held by a woman.