Brincadeira + Brodas Bros

  • Dansa


These experts in turning urban dance into great stage shows team up with a superb percussion band in a project that overflows with energy and promises to immerse audiences in a world of rhythm and feeling.

The show is dedicated to the drum, which symbolises the heart. Its beats are the first rhythms we hear, they make us vibrate and help us to glimpse parts of our soul. The rhythm of these drums are at the heart of a show that meditates on such ideas as, amongst other things, leading or allowing oneself to be led, two different but closely interrelated positions that are interpreted in several ways in Brinca Bros. Positive and negative energy, wood and iron and so on, are elements that, like yin and yang, symbolise our constant search for balance.

In the end, everything is connection: from a rope to the smallest particle in our bodies. BrincaBros is also about connection: two elements that seek to connect, not only with each other, but also with the audience, with music, with movement and with the world as a whole. They seek this connection through improvisation and participation, because the show is open, so that each day it beats and is constructed differently.

Positive energy, a cheerful attitude, hip-hop with a Mediterranean flavour, oodles of rhythm... The most difficult thing for spectators who come to see Brinca Bros will be to stay in their seats, because the stage will erupt in a sound and visual cocktail that fuses fantastic technique in interpreting urban dance with a thunder of drums that seems to allude to the darker aspects of today's world.

Heart, soul, and connection...

Coproduction: Grec 2016 Festival de Barcelona, Brincadeira and Brodas Bros.

In cooperation with Espai Musical La Bàscula, Ca l’Estruch de Sabadell and Teatre Zorrilla de Badalona.

Supported by Institut Català de les Empreses Culturals (ICEC).

Conversation about this show: July 21th; 7.30 pm; Biblioteca Guinardó - Mercè Rodoreda


Artistic card

Autoria: Brodas Bros i Brincadeira; Direcció artística: Lluc Fruitós ; Assistència a la direcció: Jep Meléndez; Dansa i coreografia: Berta Pons, Clara Pons, Pol Fruitós, Lluc Fruitós i Marc Carrizo; Direcció musical: Edison Aguilar; Interpretació musical: Edison Aguilar, Ferran Sampler, Carla Fernández i Ruda Answer; Escenografia: Carles Piera; Vestuari: Brodas Bros; Disseny d'il·luminació: Jordi Pérez; Disseny de so / concepció sonora: Adri Carreras; Producció: Marta Guzmán;



  • Start date
  • End date
  • Schedule
    10 pm
  • Space

    Teatre Grec

    Passeig de Santa Madrona, 36, 08038 Barcelona, Espanya

  • Duration
    65 min
  • Price