Conservation and restoration

One of the museum's main functions is the preservation of its collections. We take care of keeping the collections in ideal conditions, both in the permanent collection's stores and in the exhibition halls. The wide range of materials, and the fragility of some of them, means that their conservation can often be complex.

Preventative conservation places emphasis on minimising the risks of deterioration in the objects. For this reason, we ensure optimal conditions of temperature, relative humidity, lighting, security, etc. We oversee the correct handling of the objects and supervise the organisation of storage and exhibition supports, when the collections are in storage and when they are part of a temporary exhibition.

Curative conservation involves small-scale interventions to halt active deterioration processes or to reinforce structures. In cases where the physical integrity of an object is compromised or it is no longer legible, restoration may be the best option. We always aim for minimal intervention and have the greatest respect for the original piece and its material.

Latest restored pieces

Fragment de teixit (possiblement camisa)

Es tracta d’un fragment, de forma rectangular, d’un teixit de cotó pintat amb representació de motius esquemàtics antropomorfs i zoomorfs dins de quadrats ordenats en diagonals, dins de quadrícules de perfil esgraonat que donen ritme a la composició.

Further information

Camisa nasca

Es tracta d’un unku (camisa masculina en forma rectangular) confeccionat a partir de dues peces iguals de 62 cm d’amplada per 186 cm unides per costura a la part central i als laterals, amb obertures pel pas del cap i els braços.

Further information

Camisa chimú

Es tracta d’una camisa de forma rectangular amb mànigues curtes. Està confeccionada amb quatre parts: un rectangle central que forma el cos, dos de més petits per les mànigues i una filera de caps trofeu que decora l’inferior de la peça.

Further information