
Architects Elena Orte and Guillermo Sevillano, from Suma Arquitectura
Los Galindos
An image of the video game Endling - Extinction is Forever
Researcher Pedro Cermeño

All the Ciutat de Barcelona Awards 2022

The writer Jordi Coca, the architects Elena Orte and Guillermo Sevillano, the Esbart Ciutat Comtal, the researchers Pedro Cermeño and Carmen García-Comas, and the company Los Galindos are some of the winners.

All the winners of the Ciutat de Barcelona 2022 Awards have now been announced. Barcelona City Council has been awarding these prizes since 1949, and from the outset, they have been aimed at recognising artistic creation. Soon to become a reflection of Barcelona's cultural and creative life, after the return to democracy in 1979, these awards ceased to be given by competition and became a tool for citizens to recognise projects that had stood out during the previous calendar year.

Over the course of its seventy-one editions, the categories included in the Ciutat de Barcelona Awards have changed in line with the evolution of the city. Born as literary prizes, they have subsequently incorporated other artistic disciplines (such as the visual, performing and musical arts) as well as scientific research and educational projects. For the first time in seventy years, as a result of the harsh effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the city's cultural and associative fabric, in 2020 the Ciutat de Barcelona Awards were not awarded, being replaced in an extraordinary way by the "Premis Barcelona 2020" grants, which included many of the categories of the historical awards and were aimed at supporting projects yet to be produced in all these fields.

As of 2021, Barcelona City Council has recovered and increased the financial endowment of the Ciutat de Barcelona Awards, and also maintains the "Barcelona Grants". The prize money is €9,500. The awards ceremony for all the categories of this year's edition will take place on 15 February at a ceremony in the Saló de Cent. This is the list of award winners:

- Ciutat de Barcelona Agustí Duran i Sanpere Award for Essay, Humanities and History: to the work El teatre de Shakespeare en el seu context, by Jordi Coca.

Ciutat de Barcelona Award for Literature in Catalan: to the work El meu amic, by Esteve Miralles.

Ciutat de Barcelona Award for Translation in Catalan: to Josefina Caball for the translation of Alice Walker's El colour porpra.

Ciutat de Barcelona Award for Literature in the Spanish language: to the work Lo demás es aire, by Juan Gómez Bárcena.

Ciutat de Barcelona Award for Architecture, Urban Planning and Design: to Suma Arquitectura (Elena Orte and Guillermo Sevillano), architects of the Gabriel García Márquez Library in Sant Martí de Provençals.

- Ciutat de Barcelona Award for Education: to the Associació Punt de Referència for the Referents project.

- Ciutat de Barcelona Award for Popular and Community Cultures: to the show EN5D, by Esbart Ciutat Comtal.

- Ciutat de Barcelona Award for Environmental and Earth Sciences: to the researcher Pedro Cermeño and the researcher Carmen García-Comas of the Institute of Marine Sciences CSIC, for the work Post-extinction recovery of the Phanerozoic oceans and biodiversity hotspots.

Ciutat de Barcelona Award for Experimental Sciences and Technology: to the researcher Marta Villegas, from the Life Sciences - Text Mining group at the Barcelona Supercomputing Center, for the construction and development of the natural language processing models for Catalan and Spanish, AINA and MarIA, respectively.

Ciutat de Barcelona Award for Life Sciences: to Dr Elvan Böke, for the work Oocytes maintain ROS-free mitochondrial metabolism by suppressing complex I.

- Ciutat de Barcelona Award for Audiovisuals and Digital Culture: to the video game Endling - Extinction is Forever.

Ciutat de Barcelona Award for Visual Arts: to the FOC project, promoted by Córdova, Jokko Collective and Cchhoorro.

Ciutat de Barcelona Award for Performing Arts: to the company Los Galindos for MDR - Mort de riure.

- Ciutat de Barcelona Award for Music: to Tarta Relena, Cocanha and Los Sara Fontán for the project 4132314.

Publication date: Wednesday, 01 February 2023
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