

20 September, 2019 - 10:00 to 26 October, 2019 - 15:00

More than just an exhibition, REHOGAR X + is an informal learning and research space that presents its results live. A space that is in progress, which expands its contents with materials created by the resident team, collaborators and participants.
REHOGAR X + is a practical research project which tackles the issue of design as an open form and as a resource. Based on these two perspectives, it functions as an experimental and open research unit that, through four devices, tracks historical models and examines real projects to situate the present, explore with our own hands their transforming possibilities and speculate on new contexts of living and future paths for design practice.

Device 01
Time Machine is a device that enables us to move through time. Returning to the past to recognise role models: figures, publications and milestones in history; understanding the present; and moving towards the future to make headway into new paths for design practice.
With an initial selection of 120 references, this artefact under construction is expanded with new contributions from visitors and participants in the activities. 
Device 02 
Atles mutant (Mutating Atlas) is a mapping device of projects, initiatives and communities that, through praxis, aim to mutate the territory and investigate new forms of living whilst respecting people and the environment.
The device commences with a digital map of the 496 participating projects in the ten editions of REHOGAR, which combines geolocation with thematic aspects, lines of work and the connections between them. The device will be expanded, adding new projects and will delve deeper into the conceptual and relational layers.

Device 03
Praxis is a device for experimenting with production processes and is equipped with the necessary utensils and tools for different transformation techniques. 
The device involves the challenge of activating some of the participating projects in previous editions of REHOGAR to evolve them and create new proposals.
Device 04
Artefactes comuns (Common Artefacts) is an archival device and development of mobile artefacts and devices that activate transformation processes in the territory through community work.
It begins with the collection of artefacts that have participated in the different editions of REHOGAR and a selection of those developed by the Makea Tu Vida collective.

Over a period of 40 days, a continuous programme of activities is organised: a public and open programme for the activation of the devices and a resident workgroup that will work in situ on expanding these devices and delving deeper into their contents.
Therefore, REHOGAR X + makes a firm call for participation in the activities and to form part of the resident workgroup. 

Aprenent a fer mobiliari en codi obert (Learning How to Make Furniture in Open Code) Workshop
Coordinated by Makea Tu Vida 
20 and 21 September
From 10.00 to 14.00 and from 16.00 to 20.00
1st Floor
Working with open design methodologies and building on the reflections and solutions of model pieces of furniture from the do-it-yourself movement by designers such as Victor Papanek, Enzo Mari and Ken Isaacs, we will collectively design and construct various functional prototypes that will temporarily equip the workspace. 
Open Devices Cycle
Coordinated by Makea Tu Vida 
25, 26, 27 September and 26 October 
From 17.00 to 20.00
1st Floor 
A series/workshop of four sessions, slowly cooked, with the complicity of expert collaborators. Designed as a co-creation exercise, work will be done on the development of the different devices, expanding their contents. Each session will last for 3 hours. During the first part, the guest expert will propose the session subject and in the second part, a collective exercise will be carried out among the participants.
Time Machine: Looking Back to Understand the Present and Imagine the Future
Raquel Pelta (design researcher and historian) 
Elisabet Roselló (historian and researcher of culture)
Wednesday, 25 September 

Guided by Raquel Pelta and Elisabet Roselló, we will move through time to discover historical models related to a more socially and environmentally responsible design and we will begin to jointly develop possible future scenarios. This session is also the starting point for the workgroup that will go on to develop the Time Machine device.

Mutating Atlas: Design, Transforming Practices and Learning Communities
Efraín Foglia (designer in digital interactions, researcher and professor)
Susanna Tesconi (designer of learning environments and researcher)
Thursday, 26 September 

Together with Susanna Tesconi and Efraín Foglia we will work together to weave a conceptual and relational map of projects, initiatives and communities that, through praxis, aim to mutate the territory and investigate new forms of living whilst respecting people and the environment. This session is also the starting point for the workgroup that will go on to develop the Mutating Atlas device.

Common Artefacts: Community and Transformation Processes
Makea Tu Vida (open design, reuse and collective construction)
Friday, 27 September
*Session suspended. New date: Friday, 28 September, 12.00 to 14.00

With Makea Tu Vida we will discover various artefacts and mobile devices that activate transformation processes in the territory through community work, to later develop an exercise in analysis and collective creation. This session is also the starting point for the workgroup that will go on to develop the Common Artefacts device.
To sign up for the activities fill in the form here

Popular Meal, Conclusion and Presentation of the Publication
Saturday, 26 October, at 12.30
1st Floor: Lobby and Terrace
A popular meal will create a space for reflection where everything that has been worked on during the residency can be shared and questions brought up as to the relevance and possibility of evolving towards behaviours and ways of doing that are more responsible and fairer.

1st Floor
Tuesdays to Fridays, from 16.00 to 20.00 
Team of residents (Makea + collaborators)
The resident workgroup, formed by members of the Makea Tu Vida collective and collaborators, will work in the afternoons, from 16.00 to 20.00, on the development and expansion of the devices, as well as on documentation and editing tasks.
