
Conversation between Fernando Castro Flórez and Ernesto Castro.

Fluxus and codes 2: Kitsch. Organised by Arts Coming
13 May, 2015 - 19:00

“If, in general terms, the spirit of a historical period can be grasped in its architectural façade, that of the second half of the nineteenth century was unquestionably one of the poorest and saddest in the history of mankind. It was the period of eclecticism, of mock Baroque, mock Renaissance, mock Gothic. Whenever Western man established his lifestyle, it was unfailingly reduced to a bourgeois appropriation and, at the same time, to a bourgeois display, to a rigidity that signified both asphyxia and safety. If ever wretchedness was seen to be hidden by wealth, it was then.”
Hofmannsthal and his Time, Hermann Broch

13th May 2015, 7 pm.
Exhibition space, Fabra i Coats – Centre d’Art Contemporani


