
Guided visit to the exhibition and “Contra tot pronòstic” discussion

9 May, 2024 - 17:30

“Si plou així, que no escampi!”. Fotografia d'Eva Carasol.

“Si plou així, que no escampi!”. Fotografia d'Eva Carasol.
“Si plou així, que no escampi!”. Fotografia d'Eva Carasol.

Guided visit to the exhibition and “Contra tot pronòstic” discussion with Mercedes Pimiento, Blanca Gracia and the SAC team
9 May
Guided visit at 17.30 and discussion at 18.30

Activities connected to the If it rains like this, let it pour! exhibition 
Miquel Casablancas Award 2023 + SAC-FiC Residents 2022
First floor hall
Guided visit to the exhibition given by the Sant Andreu Contemporani team. Following the visit, a discussion will be held with the artists Mercedes Pimiento and Blanca Gracia who will talk with the SAC team about the current drought affecting us, analysing the global practices that have caused the current climate crisis — such as extractivism — as well as observing our own context, recovering historical solutions to provide the city with water, looking at various rain rituals from different cultures and ending with a group ritual with audience participation.
