
Liverpool (2008), by Lisandro Alonso

by Lisandro Alonso in the film and discussion programme WHEN GETTING TIRED IS NOT GIVING UP directed by Carlos Losilla.
23 July, 2015 - 21:00



Direction: Lisandro Alonso. Script: Lisandro Alonso, Salvador Rossell. Production: Luis Miñarro. Photography: Lucio Bonelli. Music: Flor Maleva. Editing: Sergi Dies. Actors: Juan Fernández, Nieves Cabrera. Spain-Argentina, 2008. 84 min.

Are encouragement and strength needed to return? Or is the simple impulse sometimes enough, as if it were an inertia that takes us back to our place of origin? This is what seems to happen to the main character in Liverpool, a seaman who during a stopover goes to see his sick mother in a small village in deepest Argentina. But is this the important thing about this beautiful film by Lisandro Alonso? No of course not. The important thing is the way in which everything happens, at once hobbling and elegiac, with a man who wants to go back but at the same time finds everything difficult, because taking a simple step is like a titanic mission. And then it becomes clear that the real objective of the journey is not the destination, but every one of those small steps, those gazes, those corners that are recognized. Everything tires us out, but it’s fine that way: deep down, we shall never reach Liverpool.

21:00. Introduction by Carlos Losilla

With the presence of the producer Luis Miñarro.

21:30. Film starts

