Moving On Nothing (100 Horizontal Fires) - Performance
Vitaliti eth20-33_carme.jpg

Overlapping registrations. An inquiry to put into play, to re-enchant the transitional materials between bodies, movements and images. A transient place in the world, making and unmaking itself. Like a certain disidentification and estrangement experience, between preformance and performance, the stage, for its unstable, interruptive, vibrant and paradoxical nature, indicates the incompleteness of all appearance as its constituent condition, inserts itself in the fissures, puts a certain economy in crisis and attends to the care of what cannot be capitalised. How can we imagine or even dream of a dance we would like to see without the obligation of knowing now how to do it?
'Moving On Nothing' refers to an event composed of three stage pieces: 'Monarchic Bodies?', '100 Horizontal Fires' and 'Amorous Construction'. 'Moving On Nothing' is also composed of movement encounters and practices with people from very diverse environments. The display is, therefore, the result of this collective experience.
Carme Torrent. She is involved in the learning, research and creation processes of art. She studied architecture at Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya while working for various studios, including the Enric Miralles architect studio. At the same time, she develops her work in the area of dance, exhibiting her work and collaborating with other artists. Interested in the work of the Body Weather Laboratory, she travelled to Japan and collaborated for ten years with the Dance Resources on Earth centre, led by Min Tanaka. She also collaborates regularly with choreographer Xavier Le Roy, on proposals for exhibition spaces. She is a graduate of Philosophy from the University of Barcelona. In recent years she has given workshops as part of the E.X.E.R.C.E. programme in Montpellier.
Free access until capacity is reached