Aquesta criatura

  • Teatre

de Joël Pommerat

This Child (Cet enfant) is a play based on the author’s direct experience of attending family therapy groups. The testimonies that he heard at these meetings, from both parents and children, made a deep impression on him. Now, Joël Pommerat seeks to “recreate and even reinvent” the situation he went through in a series of short scenes between father and child, between the parents themselves… There are no moral judgements, Pommerat insists, only a reflection on the family, on communication, on models and ideals... Joël Pommerat is a firmly established figure in new French drama. Since he set up his own company, the Compagnie Louis Brouillard, in 1990, he has gradually made a name for himself both in France and internationally. His show Je Tremble (1 & 2) will be presented at Avignon this year.

Artistic card

Direcció: Antonio Simón; Traducció: Philip Rogers; Intèrprets: Ferran Lahoz, Resu Belmonte, Isabel Rocatti, Andrea Montero, Josep Minguell, Inés Díaz, Sergi Calleja; Escenografia: Paco Azorín; Vestuari: Georgina Viñolo; Espai sonor: Laura Teruel; Il·luminació: Sylvia Kuchinow; Serveis tècnics: Germinal Producciones SL; Ajudant de direcció: Marta Alarcón; Assessorament corporal: Carles Sales; Assessorament lingüístic: Pilar Esteve; Distribució: Lalucky; Col·laboració: Vol-Ras; Caracterització: Toni Santos; Producció executiva: Sergi Calleja; Imatge: Francisco Zorrilla;


Joël Pommerat


  • Start date
  • End date
  • Dates
  • Space

    Teatre Lliure Montjuïc

    Passeig de Santa Madrona, 40

  • Language