
  • Teatre

Pep Bou / Jorge Wagensberg

Using words and soap bubbles, between art and science... The actor Pep Bou and the popular scientist Jorge Wagensberg tell the story of the universe. The duo use spheres, with their symmetry and harmony, to show us where we come from, and to ask where we are going. Along the way, we learn the natural laws as well as discovering when life and intelligence first appeared. A journey through the 13,500-million-year history of the cosmos.

Artistic card

Creació i interpretació: Pep Bou i Jorge Wagensberg; Músic: Rai Fransoy, Julian Kancepolski, Oriol Borràs; Producció executiva: Diane Malherbe; Il·luminació: Jep Verges, Pep Bou; Assistència a escena: Mon Feijòo, Jordina Font; Direcció d'escena: Marc Rosich; Administració: Pepa Arnal; Fotografia: David Ruano; Parcer: Lau Delgado; Música: Elisabeth;


Pep Bou, Jorge Wagensberg



  • Start date
  • End date
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  • Space

    Teatre Ovidi Montllor

    Plaça de Margarida Xirgu

  • Language