Biblioteques: Jordi Casanovas talks about VALENCiANA

  • Activitats paral·leles

A playwright who has often used reality as a stage material takes us to the Valencia of the nineties to talk about politicians who mark the destiny of a territory, murderers of girls and clubs that were part of a wild fun route and electronic music. The same author directs the show and talks about it in a session in which he will reveal key points of his show.

Would you like to know in detail about some of the shows programmed at Grec and explained by their directors, authors or protagonists? Then, don’t miss this cycle of talks led by Xavier Graset. The journalist invites some of the protagonists of the theatre shows to tell us the key points of the staging where they take part in this year.


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    Biblioteca Guinardó - Mercè Rodoreda

    Carrer de les Camèlies, 76, 08024 Barcelona