Burning Vision / Visió ardent

  • Teatre

de Marie Clements

Based on a 19th century prophecy by a medicine man from the Dene nation in Northern Canada, Burning Vision tells the story of uranium from its initial mining in Canada to the dropping of the first nuclear bomb in Japan. The play reminds us of the increasing dangers of mass destruction and inspires us to search for a universal human thread that connects us all.

The production is performed in English and Catalan, and includes Japanese and Dene. It brings together a mixed cast of Catalan and Canadian actors, including some of the finest from the Canadian Aboriginal theatre community. It also brings together a mixed production team, which includes Canadian filmmaker Larry Bauman, and Catalan composer Eduard Iniesta. The play incorporates the disciplines of dance, film, and original live music.

Through poetry, humour, and astounding theatricality, Burning Vision weaves together a spellbinding world, reaching across continents and time to find a common language of humanity and hope. The play is presented in four movements, symbolizing the Aboriginal elements of wind, rock, water and fire.

Artistic card

Direcció: Tom Bentley-Fisher; Traducció: Elisabet Ràfols; Autoria: Marie Clements; Dramatúrgia: Tom Bentley-Fisher, Elisabet Ràfols; Composició musical: Eduard Iniesta; Intèrpret: Eduard Iniesta; Ajudant de direcció: Joan Maria Segura, Lavinia Hollands; Coreografia: Tom Bentley-Fisher, Joan Maria Segura; Intèrprets: Anna Güell, Jordi Collet, Jaume Comas, Mar Ulldemolins, Margo Kane, Julie Tamiko Manning, Miranda Bentley; Disseny de l'espai: Dino Ibáñez, Miquel €ngel Llonovoy; Intèrpret del vídeo: Larry Bauman; Il·luminació: Sylvia Kuchinov; Assessors autòctons canadencs: Maria Campbell, Bruce Sinclair;


  • Start date
  • End date
  • Schedule
    1 pm
  • Space

    Sala Hiroshima

    Carrer de Vila i Vilà, 67, 08004 Barcelona, Espanya