Cercles / Fictions

  • Teatre

Joël Pommerat

Around three years ago, the director Peter Brook invited Joël Pommerat  to think about how directors and actors impose a single point of view on spectators. This led the French playwright, author and director of his own works, to conceive of a work that could be seen from many different viewpoints, and to write this play to be performed in a circle formed by the audience. The result is a show in which spectators see several stories acted out, some funny, others heart-rending, each from their own, personal point of view. Moreover, these stories, about war and other issues, all share one particularity: all the characters (except one) and all the situations are real, and are based on people and events from the author’s own life.

Artistic card

Autoria i direcció: Joël Pommerat; Intèrprets: Jacob Ahrend, Saadia Bentaïeb, Agnès Berthon, Gilbert Beugniot, Serge Larivière, Frédéric Laurent, Ruth Olaizola, Dominique Tack; Escenografia: Eric Soyer; Disseny d'il·luminació: Eric Soyer, Jean-Gabriel Valot; Vestuari: Isabelle Deffin; Ajudant de vestuari: Claireline Gibert; Disseny de so: François Leymarie; Recerca musicològica i literària: Antonin Leymarie, Grégoire Leymarie; Regidoria: Céline Foucault, Pierre-Yves Le Borgne, Mathieu Mironnet; Ajudant de direcció: Martine De Michele; Tècnic d'il·luminació: Jean-Gabriel Valot; Attrezzo: Alain Lebéon, Thomas Ramon, Patrick Smith; Decoració: A Travers Champs - Tourcoing; Tècnic de so: Grégoire Chomel; Traducció: Raúl David Martínez; Sobretítol: Léa Franc; Direcció tècnica: Emmanuel Abate; Producció delegada: Factoria Escènica Internacional (FEI); Producció executiva: Casiana Monczar; Ajudant de producció: Roger Sardà; Fotografia: Elisabeth Carecchio;


Joël Pommerat


  • Start date
  • End date
  • Schedule
    9.30 pm.
  • Space

    Mercat de les Flors

    Plaça Margarida Xirgu, 1, 08004 Barcelona

  • Duration
    130 min
  • Price