The Civil Wars

  • Teatre

Milo Rau / International Institute of Political Murder

Is it possible to portray a continent through the personal and intimate stories of its inhabitants? Milo Rau not only does this, but takes an X-ray of our society in a show that makes no concessions to optimism.

The story of a Belgian Salafist who leaves his country to help create an Islamic caliphate is the starting point for the stage portrait that Milo Rau makes of Europe today. In his theatre, Rau specializes in on-stage analyses of reality. The director uses the experiences of four actors, inviting them to explore their own biographies in a very personal kind. What they tell us enables us to trace and understand the changes that have taken place on our continent in recent decades. These personal stories build up a fresco that talks to us about our society and an old Europe that is, perhaps, nearing its final moments, with no one able yet to say what will come after.

Artistic card

Concepció: Milo Rau; Text i direcció: Milo Rau; Text i interpretació: Karim Bel Kacem, Sara De Bosschere, Sébastien Foucaul, Johan Leysen; Investigació i dramatúrgia: Eva-Maria Bertschy; Escenografia i vestuari: Anton Lukas; Vídeo: Marc Stephan; Disseny de so: Jens Baudisch; Disseny d'il·luminació: Abdeltife Mouhssin, Bruno Gilbert, Aymrik Pech; Assessorament musical: Colette Broeckerti Eurudike De Beul ; Ajudant de direcció: Mirjam Knapp ; Assistència a la investigació: Aurélie Di Marino; Assistència tècnica: Bruno Gilbert, Aymrik Pech; Assistència a l'escenografia: Bruno Gilbert, Aymrik Pech; Cap de producció: Mascha Euchner-Martinez, Eva-Karen Tittmann; Producció executiva local: Velvet Events; Fotografia: Marc Stephan;



  • Start date
  • End date
  • Schedule
    9.30 pm
  • Space

    Mercat de les Flors

    Plaça Margarida Xirgu, 1, 08004 Barcelona

  • Duration
    130 min
  • Price
    30 €