Cobla Sant Jordi - Ciutat de Barcelona

  • Música

Contemporary. Absolute. Quality. These are the defining traits that provide the key to understanding the Cobla Sant Jordi - Ciutat de Barcelona’s presence on the Grec’09 programme. Bringing an innovative, even risky, proposal, but one deliberately embedded in the cultural reality of the country.
This year, a young but experienced conductor, Nacho de Paz, has been given the task of meeting the musical and interpretive challenge presented by an ensemble with such unique characteristics as this Cobla. His experience in the field of contemporary music will, no doubt, turn his reading (or, times, rereading) of the cobla music register into revelation. Once again in the matchless setting of the Plaça del Rei, 21st-century music. Music that is absolutely contemporary.

Artistic card

Direction: Nacho de Paz, Flabiol: Xavier Torrent, Tibal: Marc Timón, Oriol Gibert, Tenora: Enric Ortí, Josep Antoni Sánchez, Trumpet: Carles Herruz, Eutimi Rodríguez, Trombone: Isi López, Fishorn: Josep Moliner, Miquel Àngel López, Double bass: Joan Druguet, Percussion: Fani Fortet, Manu Alcaraz, Photography: Carles Roche


  • Start date
  • End date
  • Dates
  • Space

    Plaça del Rei