Companyia Roberto G. Alonso

  • Dansa

La fragilitat dels verbs transitius

The transitive verb to queer, meaning to disrupt or disturb, is the starting point in a dance-theatre production that demonstrates how the body is the victim of arbitrary social and cultural decisions about gender and sexual identity.

Roberto G. Alonso’s dance company takes the body, movement, and a dramaturgy created in cooperation with three leading playwrights (Marc Rosich, Helena Tornero and Carles Be) to talk to us about the prejudice and stigmatisation that are still attached to issues relating to sexual orientation and gender. The show reveals, particularly, the intimate, everyday spaces in which our bodies are subjected, often unconsciously, to unwelcome cultural, social and educational attitudes. We need only remember, for example, that, used as a noun, the English word queer means 'homosexual' or 'fag' whilst, as an adjective, it means 'strange' or 'twisted'. In other countries and cultures other than our own, this stigmatisation can lead to death, whilst even here, despite increasingly widespread acceptance and the enactment of laws that protect difference, many groups, including transsexuals, are still condemned to marginalisation. La fragilitat dels verbs transitius [The Fragility of Transitive Verbs] explores how these issues affect the elderly, adults and children today. How do those that are different from the majority manage to swim against the tide? Where do they find the strength they need to face up to what is established? These are some of the questions that a show, inspired by real testimonies, tries to answer whilst paying stage tribute to the transgender collective.

Coproduction: Grec 2016 Festival de Barcelona and Companyia Roberto G. Alonso.

La Companyia Roberto G. Alonso is supported by Departament de Cultura de la Generalitat de Catalunya, Ajuntament de Barcelona and Institut Ramon Llull.
Thanks to: EESA Institut del Teatre, Aula Municipal de Teatre de Mataró, Sofia Bengoetxea, Elisenda Castell, Cristina Navarro, Gerard Coll-Planes, Pako Boza.

Artistic card

Concepció, creació i coreografia: Roberto G. Alonso; Direcció escènica: José Martret ; Dramatúrgia: Carlos Be, Marc Rosich i Helena Tornero ; Interpretació: Anita €strid, Roberto G. Alonso, Oriol Genís, Cesar López, Hugo Real, Junyi Sun.; Composició musical i interpretació: €lex Rodríguez Flaqué; Espai escènic: Alberto Puraenvidia; Vestuari: Roberto G. Alonso, José Martret; Disseny d'il·luminació: Tony Murchland; Disseny de so: Roger Blasco; Imatge i disseny gràfic: Marta Viladrich; Assistent de coreografia: Cristina Martí; Producció executiva: Joan Solé ; Reportatge fotogràfic: David Ruano; Alumne en pràctiques: Soledad Rosales; Assessorament: EnFemme (Grup de suport per a persones transgènere), ACATHI (Associació catalana per a la integració d'homosexuals, bisexuals i transsexuals immigrants), David Paternotte, professor de Sociologia de les desigualtats a la Université Libre de Bruxelles i Alex Cosials, coordinador de projectes de la Fundació Jaume Bofill.;



  • Start date
  • End date
  • Schedule
    8 pm
  • Space

    Mercat de les Flors

    Plaça Margarida Xirgu, 1, 08004 Barcelona

  • Duration
    60 min
  • Price
    € 18