Constanza Brncic

  • Dansa

What is the Word

Through a piece for piano by Morton Feldman, a dancer and a choreographer propose a dance of memory, shot through insistently by the unspoken words of the last poem by Samuel Beckett.

What is the Word is the title of the last poem by Samuel Beckett and the question that runs through this show, in which the piece of music Triadic Memories, by Morton Feldman, the body and the light coexist in the same time and space. This performance stems from a very intimate interest in the music of Feldman and the last poem written by Beckett. Similar questions seem to be asked from different places. In both there is a concern for the paradox of expression, the difficulty of remembering, the need for silence, and for the idea of time and the spatial scale. The encounter and the dialogue by choreographer Constanza Brncic with these works lead to a dance that seeks to attract other layers of meaning, inscribed in gestures remembered and forgotten, and which brings into play the boldness and the sense of decency implicit in the act of performing.

What is the Word is a project by dancer and choreographer Constanza Brncic, a Philosophy graduate and a specialist in Contemporary Thought. Throughout her long career she has worked with, among others, artists such as pianist Agustí Fernández, musician Nuno Rebel•lo, playwrights Albert Tola and Victoria Szpunberg, and composer Joan Saura, and she has danced with companies such as Raravis and Malpelo. Since 2008, she has worked regularly with assistant director Beatriz González Magadán and with architect and dancer Sara Ojanguren.

Artistic card

Autoria: Constanza Brncic ; Direcció /coreografia i interpretació: Constanza Brncic; Música: Triadic memories de Morton Feldman, interpretada per John Tilbury; Textos absents: Samuel Beckett; Ajudantia de direcció: Beatriz González Magadán; Disseny de so: Carlos Gómez; Espai escènic: Sara Ojanguren ; Disseny de la il€luminació:; Vestuari: Marina Diaz; Producció: Anabel Labrador; Fotografia: Roman Rubert;



  • Start date
  • End date
  • Schedule
    8 p.m.
  • Space

    Mercat de les Flors

    Plaça Margarida Xirgu, 1, 08004 Barcelona

  • Duration
    80 min
  • Price
    18 €