Corinne Bailey Rae

  • Música

Corinne Bailey Rae shot from being an unknown singer to stardom in just two years, selling records by the million worldwide. On the way, her talent won her many distinguished admirers, including the likes of Quincy Jones, Stevie Wonder and the Arctic Monkeys. This promising career was placed on hold for a time after the death of her husband, Jason Rae, but Corinne Bailey Rae is back at last now, with a new album. The songs on her 2010 release, entitled The Sea, largely inspired by those tragic events, shows this outstanding artist finding a new voice, a new musical language full of meaning, rich in feeling, drenched in soul.

Artistic card

Direcció musical i teclat: Steve Brown; Veu: Corinne Bailey Rae; Baix: Kenny Higgins; Bateria i veu: Luke Flowers; Guitarra i veu: Jennifer Birch, John McCallum;


  • Start date
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    Teatre Grec

    Passeig de Santa Madrona, 36, 08038 Barcelona, Espanya