
  • Teatre

A show based on works by Edgar Allan Poe

The Crow, The Black Cat... Based on well-known texts by the American author Edgar Allan Poe, the renowned theatre director Calixto Bieito creates a show that revolves around the prowess of this master of the short story, combined with the performing art of actor Juan Echanove and the talent of one of the most singular voices on the music scene today, Maika Makovski. The result is an unusual and striking show, which brings Bieito and Echanove together once more after 2007’s Plataforma, based on Michel Houellebecq’s novel Platform.

Artistic card

Dramatúrgia i direcció: Calixto Bieito; Traducció: Julio Cortázar; Música original: Maika Makovski; Intèrprets: Juan Echanove, Maika Makovski; Escenografia: Aida Guardia; Il·luminació: Calixto Bieito, Txema Orriols; Vestuari: Marian Corominas; Espai sonor: Jordi Ballbé; Caracterització: Toni Santos; Ajudant de direcció: Raimon Molins; Fotografia: David Ruano;


Calixto Bieito


  • Start date
  • End date
  • Schedule
    Friday, 9 pm. Saturday, 6.30 and 9 pm. Sunday 6.30 pm.
  • Space

    Teatre Romea

    Carrer de l'Hospital, 51, 08001 Barcelona, Espanya

  • Duration
    75 min
  • Price