Digue'm la veritat / Cia. Eòlia

  • Teatre

Pablo Ley / Josep Galindo

What makes the world go round? What future awaits us? In this debut production by the Eòlia theatre company, history and fiction are fused in a dinner made using ingredients from other times. The evening ends in the most unexpected way.

Cristina, an expert in historic food, invites a group of friends that she has not seen for years to an exclusive evening, the first in a season of dinners made from prehistoric ingredients. Happy to meet up again, the friends talk about past times with no idea of what is about to happen. But, who are these guests really? Why do they include an archaeologist, an Arabic translator, a former engineer now working as a missionary, an NGO worker, a correspondent, a war photographer and an air force officer? Dramatist Pablo Ley and director Josep Galindo continue their on-stage research into theatre and contemporary history which began in 2004 with Homenatge a Catalunya. The play is presented by the Companyia Eòlia, a theatre company formed by professional actors that have studied at the Eòlia drama school since it was founded in 2000.


The price of admission includes a guided tour of the Museu d'Arqueologia de Catalunya (Archaeology Museum) at 7 pm. Advance reservation required on eolia@eolia.cat.

Artistic card

Autoria: Pablo Ley ; Direcció: Josep Galindo; Intèrprets: Tasio Acezat, Cristina Blanco Aloy, Rai Borrell, Sonia Espinosa, Eugènia Manzanares, Kathy Sey, Toni Soldevila; Escenografia i vestuari: Projecte Galilei; Disseny d'il·luminació: Anna Espunya; Concepció Sonora : Javi Gamazo; Ajudant de direcció: Anna Serrano; Producció executiva: Ana Esteban; Fotografia: Ima Garmendia; Disseny gràfic: Miquel Llach;



  • Start date
  • End date
  • Schedule
    8.30 pm
  • Space

    Museu d'Arqueologia de Catalunya

    Passeig de Santa Madrona, 39, 08038 Barcelona, Espanya

  • Duration
    90 min
  • Price
    17 €