
  • Teatre

Maduixa Teatre

Dance, theatre, fine art and the latest technologies in a family show that takes its inspiration from the world of Sol Lewitt, an artist linked to conceptualism and minimalism.

Really high and immaculately white. That is the wall Laia takes care of. And if she notices the smallest spot on this wall, then she removes it immediately. But everything is about to change. Dot is coming and, with him, Laia will go on a journey through music and colour, a journey in which all she has to do is join the dots to discover a magical universe. The great white wall will become filled with colour, like the works of Sol Lewitt, a North American artist closely linked to minimalism and is considered a pioneer of conceptual art. One of his works, the mural Splat, hangs on the wall in the lobby at CaixaForum.

Lewitt’s world of colours is brought to life by Maduixa Teatre, a company based in Sueca (Valencia) whose previous family shows include Ras!, inspired by the work of Joan Miró, and Consonant, which recreates the world of the poet Joan Brossa.

Artistic card

Direcció i dramatúrgia: Juan Pablo Mendiola; Direcció coreogràfica: Mamen García; Intèrprets: Joaquín Collado, Laia Sorribes; Composició musical: Damián Sánchez; Espai escènic: Joan Santacreu; Disseny gràfic: Joan Santacreu; Vestuari: Joan Miquel Reig; Confecció del vestuari: Tere López; Disseny d'il·luminació: Juan Pablo Mendiola; Disseny de vídeo: Nirvana Imatge; Audiovisual: Bea Herráiz; Ajudant de direcció: Joan Santacreu; Distribució: Loles Peris; Producció executiva: Joan Santacreu; Ajudant de producció: Andrés Roses, Cristina Campillo, Elena Villagrasa;


  • Start date
  • End date
  • Schedule
    6 pm
  • Space

    Mercat de les Flors

    Plaça Margarida Xirgu, 1, 08004 Barcelona

  • Duration
    45 min
  • Price