El agitador vórtex

  • Altres

Cris Blanco

The name of a piece of apparatus used in laboratories to shake up and mix substances together is the title for a cocktail of film, stage and musical genres, a kind of handmade cinema with surprising results.

Is it theatre? Is it film? Cris Blanco’s offering has a bit of everything because it is indeed a film, but made live on stage in view of the audience, a piece that may be considered film, performance or interactive theatre. The audience can see the results of the artist’s manipulations on a screen at all times. From the credits to the end of the screening she applies her intelligence and skill to mixing a cocktail of genres. She will manipulate the codes that govern each of these genres and change their rules, forcing the audience to wonder why the dissonant colouring makes us think of a horror film or what would happen if we changed the music that usually accompanies the credits of a James Bond film and we replaced it with, for example, some bagpipe music. What is the result of all these manipulations and combinations of genres? A film in which the audience can see, at the same time, a film and the making-of done live or, as the author says, "a musical comedy science-fiction thriller with touches of horror and action with romantic karaoke and martial arts in regional costume in which a young woman fights against evil".

Artistic card

Direcció i realització: Cris Blanco; Assistència artística: Anto Rodriguez, "scar Bueno; Música: Cris Blanco, "scar Bueno; Realització de vídeo: "scar Bueno, Cris Blanco, Rubén Ramos; Il·luminació: Jorge Dutor, Ignasi Solé; Attrezzo i escenografia: Anto Rodríguez, Oscar Bueno, Cris Blanco, amb la col€laboració de Jorge Dutor; Vestuari: Anto Rodríguez, Cris Blanco, Elena Nogueira; Disseny del cartell: Roger Adam, Momo Hagerman;


  • Start date
  • End date
  • Schedule
    6 p.m.
  • Space

    Mercat de les Flors

    Plaça Margarida Xirgu, 1, 08004 Barcelona

  • Duration
    70 min