El desenterrador

  • Teatre

Companyia Societat Doctor Alonso

El desenterrador (“The Disinterrer”) focuses on the word, its bodyology and its relation to the body and action.

The bodyology of words is the property they have, not only of creating and signalling a physical world, but also of generating an ethical world, a political system and a social order.

This project explores the close, changing relationship between words, their use and the actions that derive from them. A two-way relationship that gives body and meaning to our way of inhabiting the world.

Nowadays, when language tends towards simplification, synthesisation (through technology) and a certain globalisation, we want to stop and examine this process carefully, to look at ourselves and try to understand the consequences of this on our bodies and our way of acting. We disinter words and moral and ethical values that are important for the community.

And below, from the hole, looking up, the image does not resemble that of the myth of Plato's cave; there is no separation between matter and ideas.

Below is sedimentary rock, oxygen, sulphur, bones, water, minerals, worms, remains, gases, organic and inorganic remains.

In truth, we are not interested in making a hole to find a fossil word. What interests us is the movement that takes place to do it, the physical and mental movement that means digging and moving the earth.

To evoke thought through movement. Moving and thinking from the singular and the contingent. Examining what is universal and what we take for granted.

The process that leads to the crystallisation of a concept has never been individual, but always collective, and it must pass the test of transmission. It must serve, use, say.

When our old-new characters appear on the surface, no doubt there will be a new performance, an adjustment to the present that will force us to refocus our gaze, to tighten up in order to relax once more.

Let us fatten these anorexic words a little.


  • Start date
  • End date
  • Schedule
    4.30 pm
  • Space

    Sala Hiroshima

    Carrer de Vila i Vilà, 67, 08004 Barcelona, Espanya