El fil de Latung La La

  • Teatre

David Ymbernon

A visual and theatre poet, Ymbernon uses objects to reveal to us his exuberant imagination, an imagination capable of illustrating rather more than just dreams. We realise instantly that the colour orange is Ymbernon’s calling card.Eschewing all links to the concrete, he escapes like a poet who fabulates, rejecting canon and rule as he strives to represent a dazzling interior world. Although he may seem to speak of unreal things, what Ymbernon describes in truth are moments of poetic high tension. Ymbernon did not start out in the dramatic arts, nor in the theatre of the absurd. His origins lie, rather in the visualisation of poetic images that take from surrounding reality the material to build their own worlds, which refer us back
to our own world.

Artistic card

Creació, direcció i escenografia: David Ymbernon; Amb: Elisabet Augé, Isolda Barbarà, Jordi Casadevall, Miquel Àngel Marín, Yolanda Cañardo, David Ymbernon, Andriy Antonovskiy, Benjamí Tous, Carles Sales, Catalina Girona, Cristina Manrique, Dadà Ymbernon, Daida Ymbernon, Don Simón y Telefunken, Majorettes del Colegio San Vicente de Irún; Il·luminació: Jep Verges; So: Jordi Casadevall, Marc Romagosa; Vídeo: Atzucac Films; Fotografia: David Ymbernon; Ajudant de direcció: Elisabet Augé; Regidoria: Ariadna Castedo; Auxiliar de càmera: Clàudia Troy; Text: Carles Hac Mor;


David Ymbernon



  • Start date
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    Teatre Ovidi Montllor

    Plaça de Margarida Xirgu