El pianista

  • Teatre

Basat en la novel·la de Manuel Vázquez Montalbán

Based on Manuel Vázquez Montalbán’s novel of the same name, the story of a man who sacrifices his professional career for his ideals, El pianista is a show that revolves around a piano concert. Accompanied by the music of Mompou, Blancafort, Lamote de Grignon and the French composers Milhaud, Satie, Poulenc and Debussy, the narrator’s voice recounts the story told in Montalbán’s work, shining the spotlight once more on those artists who suffered the devastation and the silence of the Spanish Civil War. El pianista is a show to remind us that, even if the reader cannot hear it, all novels have their own

Artistic card

Direcció: Xavier Albertí; Adaptació: Lluïsa Cunillé; Amb: Juan Diego i Jordi Masó;


  • Start date
  • End date
  • Dates
  • Space

    Mercat de les Flors

    Plaça Margarida Xirgu, 1, 08004 Barcelona

  • Language