Ella i els arquitectes

  • Teatre

Gerard Vàzquez / Damià Barbany

Actors, actresses and puppets interact in a play about Barcelona during the siege in 1714, showing us that all wars are brutal and unacceptable. To illustrate this, the story of two architects, rivals in both work and love.

A contemporary architect today, a Frenchman living in Paris, travels to Barcelona. He visits the Born Cultural Centre to learn more about the work of one of his ancestors: the architect who designed the fortifications of the Ciutadella, or Citadel. But then capricious fate, worked by this mischievous play, transport him back to the epicentre of a historical fiction set during the siege of Barcelona in September 1714. There, he meets another architect, this one an eighteenth-century character, frustrated in his work because those defending the city reject his ideas about fortifications. A competitive relationship springs up between the two to see who is the best architect. The two are also both in love with a mysterious actress, so that their rivalry also extends to the field of love. However, the state of siege will force them to become allies and plan an escape, while historic figures like Rafael de Casanova and Antoni Villarroel discuss whether to surrender or continue the defence.

Artistic card

Dramatúrgia: Gerard Vàzquez ; Direcció: Damià Barbany; Intèrprets: Víctor Álvaro, Andrea Portella, Quim Lecina, Bernat Quintana; Veu en off: Joan Anguera, Xavier Capdet, Francesc Orella, Ferran Rañé, Boris Ruiz; Manipulació dels titelles: Víctor Álvaro; Construcció dels titelles: Núria Mestres; Assessorament en la manipulació dels titelles: Toni Rumbau; Escenografia i vestuari: Damià Barbany; Construcció de l'escenografia: Ramon de los Heros, Sundisa; Construcció del decorat: Espai Model, alumnes de l'Escola d'Arquitectura de la Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) ; Confecció del vestuari: Carmen González; Assessorament arquitectònic: Antoni Ramon, Cèsar Díaz (UPC) ; Disseny d'il·luminació: David Bofarull; Disseny de so: Aurélie Raoût (Lilou); Cap tècnic: Lluís Serra; Regidoria: Anna Cartes; Producció executiva: Cristina Raventós ; Fotografia: David Ruano;


  • Start date
  • End date
  • Schedule
    9 pm
  • Space

    El Born Centre de Cultura i Memòria
  • Duration
    95 min
  • Price
    18 €