Es pronuncia Camí

  • Activitats paral·leles

La Mala Companyia / Ramon Simó

As part of its summer Obrador programme, Sala Beckett is staging a play about three actors and an actress trapped by the Covid-19 pandemic while they were working on an adaptation of 'The Plague', by Camus.

A young actress arrives in Barcelona from Berlin, where she expects to shoot a short film. While she is in the city, she shares a flat with three actors. Then lockdown turns all their lives upside down They are left in a kind of suspended reality, with their projects sidelined while they are forced to share a life (or simulated existence).

Gripped by anxiety as a result of the meaningless situation they are in, they find salvation in The Plague, a novel by Albert Camus they decide to adapt for when it’s all over. And, while they are working on this, the characters, situations and words of Camus mingle with their everyday life and help them to face the doubts and vacillations caused by the situation they are experiencing. Is it worth resisting an invisible enemy? What will everything be like after it’s all over? What kind of theatre will we want to do tomorrow? Comedy and drama combine in a story where Camus will show our young protagonists the way to nonconformism.

The text and staging are a La Mala Companyia creation, a group of students comprising Guillem Font, Cristina Fuentes Àvila, Àlex Pujol, Eduard Serra, Xavier Oró Archs and Xènia Sendra Luna, who were all at the Institut de Teatre in 2019 staging the adaptation of a Camus novel directed by their tutor, the theatre director Ramon Simó. At the start of lockdown, these former student were surprised by the similarities between the work they had just done and the situation they found themselves in. After contacting their director, they decided to revise their creation in light of the disturbing new reality confronting them.

A joint production by Amici Miei Produccions and La Mala Companyia

Artistic card

Author: La Mala Companyia Director: Ramon Simó Performed by: Guillem Font, Cristina Fuentes, Àlex Pujol, Eduard Serra Stage set: Xevi Oró Lighting: Xènia Sendra Wardrobe: Joan Ros Produced by: Júlia Simó Head technician: Pau Montull Photographer: Cesc Hernàndez


  • Dates
  • Space

    Sala Beckett - Poblenou

    Pere IV, 228-232 / Batista, 11