Esperant Godot

  • Teatre

Samuel Beckett / Joan Ollé

More than fifty years have gone by, and Vladimir (Didí) and Estragon (Gogó) are still waiting for Godot in a set that still remains the same: a path from who-knows-where to who-knows-where; a tree; and a night with just enough moonlight for us to see what happens to them, what happens to us. In great theatre, we are them and they are us – the representation represents us.  The absurd, lack of communication, existentialism... These are terms that describe all of us, every day. For life is tragic, but intelligent humour provides an unfailing antibiotic against fatal destiny: that of laughing at both the deceased and those who keep vigil over them. Beckett is so wise that they gave him the Nobel Prize for creating tragicomic clowns for adults.

Artistic card

Direcció: Joan Ollé; Traducció: Ferran Toutain; Intèrprets: Joan Anguera, Ivan Benet, Pepo Blasco, Enric Majó, Carles Ollé; Escenografia: Eugenio Szwarcer; Il·luminació: Lionel Spycher; Vestuari: Míriam Compte; Caracterització: Núria Llunell; Moviment coreogràfic: Damián Muñoz; So: Damien Bazin; Ajudant d'escenografia: Paula Bosch; Regidoria: María Rosales; Cap tècnic: Mateu Vallhonesta; Tècnic d'il·luminació: Carles Borràs; Tècnic de so: Damien Bazin; Producció executiva: Lola Davó; Ajudant de direcció: Iban Beltran; Fotografia: David Ruano;


Samuel Beckett / Joan Ollé


  • Start date
  • End date
  • Schedule
    9 pm.
  • Space

    Mercat de les Flors

    Plaça Margarida Xirgu, 1, 08004 Barcelona

  • Duration
    116 min (with intermission)
  • Price