Esperanza Spalding

  • Música

Esperanza Spalding takes a classical jazz base and fuses it with pop, soul and world music influences to create a sound that redefines and sails past the commonplaces on which so many musicians have foundered in the past. Her exquisite bass playing and siren’s voice combine with an irresistible stage presence, and at Plaça del Rei she is sure to have the audience eating out of her hand as she presents tracks from her last album, Esperanza.

Artistic card

Bateria: Otis Brown III; Contrabaix: Esperanza Spalding; Guitarra: Ricardo Vogt; Piano: Leonardo Genovaese; Fotografia: Johann Sauty; Veu: Esperanza Spalding; Producció executiva: Montuno Producciones;


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    Plaça del Rei