Flamenco and blackness, beyond the sounds

  • Activitats paral·leles

Buika / Yinka Esi Graves

A series of discussions seen as an opportunity to resume an interrupted conversation between people of African descent and Africans, and between these people and the city they live in.

A well-known singer (on a virtual connection) and a bailaora, who are both part of this year’s Barcelona Grec Festival programme, speak about flamenco and blackness with the journalist Tania Adam.

“Buika, the most flamenco of black voices” or “Yinka, black and flamenca” are the sort of headlines that often accompany the cantaora Buika and the bailaora Yinka Esi Graves. The two women came to flamenco in different ways: one, through her Guinean roots in Mallorca, the other, through her Afro-Jamaican experience. However, their blackness is surrounded by negations that transcend colour and have political, social and aesthetic implications, which expand in the time and space of Andalusian cultures, passing through flamenco on the back of myths and convictions.

The El Dorado - Sociedad Flamenca Barcelonesa has spent over two years exploring the mark black people have left on flamenco through their sounds. In this discussion, it aims to go beyond ethno-musicological or historical analyses, in order to explore flamenco through the bodies of Buika and Graves. And this is because the experience of black people in this culture can make a particular contribution that is worth analysing and showcasing. The conversation will help us to understand how people who go in search of a memory incarnate deal with all those places that deny them their own history.

An activity in collaboration with El Dorado - Sociedad Flamenca Barcelonesa.

More information about registration shortly.


  • Dates
  • Space

    El Dorado - Sociedad Flamenca Barcelonesa

    Buenaventura Muñoz, 21 (Centre Cívic Parc Sandaru)