Gènesi 3.0

  • Teatre

With music by Josep Sanou

In the not too distant future, it will be forbidden to bury our loved ones due to lack of space. Only rebels and idealists will try to break this rule. Isobel, one such rebel, arrives at one of the last cemeteries to bury her mother. She has managed to hold up the formalities for a few hours, but she will have to incinerate the body within two days in accordance with the law. The cemetery becomes a paradise where she can make her wish come true, whilst Travis, the grave-digger, becomes her last chance, her hope and her salvation. But they will also turn out to be her perdition.

Artistic card

Direcció: Carlos Wagner; Direcció musical: Joan Sanmartí; Intèrpret: Elvira Prado, Ana Criado, Ruben Ametllé;


Gerard Guix


  • Start date
  • End date
  • Dates
  • Space

    Teatre Romea

    Carrer de l'Hospital, 51, 08001 Barcelona, Espanya

  • Language