Gerard Quintana

  • Música

cançons urgents per a una crisi

A concert? Rather, a performance, for this is a show that, aided by three musicians and an actor, goes beyond the traditional gig format to employ certain theatrical conventions. In these “emergency songs for a crisis”, Quintana seeks to connect with an audience that experiences the current recession on a day-to-day basis. Walking the streets of Barcelona, then, Quintana reports on present reality and the city where he lives.

Artistic card

Veu femenina: Susana Moll; Veu: Gerard Quintana; Guitarra elèctrica i acústica: Francesc Bertran; Percussió i bateria: Ermengol Mayol; Teclat, mostrejadors (samplers) i altres: Xavi Lloses; Fotografia: Juan Miguel Morales; Artista convidat: Els amics de les arts, Shuarma (Elefantes), Gertrudis, Yacine Belahcene;



  • Start date
  • End date
  • Dates
  • Space

    Plaça del Rei