Hermafrodites a cavall o la rebel·lió del desig

  • Teatre
  • Tops del Grec 2023, Espectacles amb cor

Col·lectiu Que No Salga De Aquí

This is a live show that uses documentary theatre tools, autofiction and the freak show to trace the evolution of the myth of the hermaphrodite, from archaic myth to people who incarnate this figure today.

The hermaphrodite on horseback is no warrior, they are a lover: a lover able to recruit bodies that were thus far unthinkable and, so, impossible to desire. A lover able to recruit a horde of beings with intersex anatomy with a mission: to revolutionise the idea of social order itself and transform it.

Using documentary theatre tools, autofiction and the freak show, Hermaphrodites on horseback or the rebellion of desire speaks of the experiences of being intersex from a first-person viewpoint. It proposes the foundation of a new order that is a far cry from the rigidly dual framework that we’ve inherited.

Sometimes unsettling, sometimes lurid, but always exciting, Hermaphrodites on horseback or the rebellion of desire traces the evolution of the myth of the hermaphrodite from the archaic myth to people who incarnate this figure today. It explains to us how the story changes when we become the narrators of our own difference.


A Col·lectiu Que No Salga De Aquí production.
Creation supported by FiraTàrrega 2021.
With the complicity of La Bonne, Teatre Tantarantana and Àtic22, Nau Ivanow, El Graner, La Escocesa, Atrium Viladecans, Generalitat of Catalonia and a ‘Premis Barcelona 2020’ grant.
With the moral and logistical support of Cia. Casa Real.


Artistic card

Author: Laura Vila Kremer, Raquel Loscos, Víctor Ramírez Tur Playwright and director: Raquel Loscos, Víctor Ramírez Tur Performed by: Laura Vila Kremer Intersex horde: Aldara, Asmi Ananda, Camí Baró San Frutos, Doume, Iolanda Melero Puche, Raquel Medina, Rita Jeiguorz, Zentvuit, and the scenes and experiences of Mer Gómez, Susana L., Teresa, Andrea Aparicio, Ana Belén, Patricia, Destinys, Lucía Díaz, Marta Rozas, Lucas López Produced by: Hèctor Boada, Patricia Moral Visuals: Carme Gomila Sound space: Aurora Bauzà Set design: Oriol Corral, Xesca Salvà Lighting: Marieta Rojo Costumes: Gala Garriga Graphic design: Pau Masaló Llorà Communication: Patricia Moral On-stage movement advice: Marta Filella Photography: Alba Calle, Núria Gámiz Translated into Catalan by: Gema Moraleda, Lluc Potrony Film team: Carme Gomila, Hèctor Boada, Gala Garriga, Meri Varó, Noel López, Jordi Paris, Sàndal Boada Special thanks to: Núria Marquès, Berta Ballestín, Glòria Marcet, Gràcia Camps, Markos Goikolea, Rubèn Guilanyà, Teo Pardo, Leo Müller, Santiago Bonnín, Carla Rovira, Miquel Missé, Mercè Estela, El Ensamble TPB Distribution: Caterina Muñoz, Susana Rubio


  • Dates
  • Space

    Teatre Tantarantana

    Carrer Flors, 22, 08001 Barcelona