Hillel Kogan / Drôles de dames

  • Dansa

We love Arabs

Against prejudice, dance. These three words may well sum up a performance that tears down walls and advocates peaceful coexistence through humour and subtlety. The most enjoyable way of talking about politics €" or dancing it!

So many years after the outbreak of a conflict that seems endless, can there be a new way of talking about the clash between Arabs and Israelis? There is at least one way of doing so that can bring out a smile and erase borders. It was discovered by Hillel Kogan, who appears before the audience like a teacher about to enlighten the minds of his pupils. Worn out by complacency and a victim of the most colonialist and paternalistic attitudes, the performer will create a parodic portrait of a supposedly progressive artist who needs the complicity of an Arab dancer to recreate on stage the conflict engulfing their peoples. And, as they perform a somewhat kitsch dance, they will analyse forms of behaviour and cast a comic but devastating gaze on the reality of relations between two communities that have been at war with each other for too long.

Dancer, performer, actor, playwright... Hillel Kogan is multi-faceted, but he is known particularly for his work from 2005 to 2016 as rehearsals assistant to the renowned Ohad Naharin at the world-famous Batsheva Dance Company of Tel Aviv. In 2015, Kogan was appointed artistic director of the Israeli dance festival Curtain Up (Haramat Masach, in Hebrew).

Appearing with Kogan is his compatriot Adi Boutrous, who has worked with such Israeli choreographers as Iris Erez, Dana Ruttenberg, Shlomi Twizer, Edmond Rousseau and Bosmat Nussan. Besides creating his own works for the Israeli independent dance scene, he has worked as a dancer with Hillel Kogan since 2013.

Artistic card

Coreografia i dramatúrgia: Hillel Kogan; Interpretació: Adi Boutrous / Mourad Bouayad, Hillel Kogan; Música: Kazem Alsaher, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart; Assessorament artístic: Inbal Yaacobi, Rotem Tashach; Il·luminació: Amir Castro;



  • Start date
  • End date
  • Schedule
    8 p.m.
  • Space

    Mercat de les Flors

    Plaça Margarida Xirgu, 1, 08004 Barcelona

  • Duration
    55 min
  • Price
    18 €