InnMotion 05

  • Altres

CCCB once more provides the venue for InnMotion, one of the most attractive and innovative proposals to have emerged in recent years. InnMotion is a showcase for recent trends in modern art, bringing artists from different disciplines and different countries together in an interactive, open festival. Participants this year include, amongst others, Edith Kaldor (Hungary), Tal Dance (Turkey), Ursula Lea (UK), Xavier Theros (Catalonia), Sol Picó (Catalonia), Big Art Group (USA), Ligna (Germany), Jochen Dehn (Germany), Camille Boitel (France), Erna Omarsdottir (Iceland), Skalen (France), Stupid Feats (Spain), Ange Taggart (UK), Los Corderos (Catalonia), 100.000 Retinas (Catalonia), Eddie Egal (Germany), Candida TV (Italy), Davis Freeman (UK), Turisme Tàctic (Catalonia), Leo Bassi (Italy), Marcel·lí Antúnez (Catalonia), Nico Baixas (Catalonia), Klaas Kuitenbrouwer (Netherlands), Mécanique Vivante (France), El Vicio Producciones (Catalonia) and Critical Art Ensemble (USA).


  • Start date
  • End date
  • Dates
  • Space


    Carrer de Montalegre, 5, 08001 Barcelona, Espanya