
  • Escena híbrida

Obskené / Quitte ou Double

It may well happen in a theater, but the real scenario of this show is the network, where artists from five citizen movements from different countries tell us about the revolutions they are living through.

A Catalan and a Montreal directors started talking about art and politics to end up embarking on a project to be represented on stage and that takes place in five cities simultaneously. Intersections gathers together five artists who have lived through revolutionary movements: the green revolution  (Teheran 2009); the tunisian revolution, (Tunis 2011); the indignants movement (Barcelona 2011); the spring of the hawthorn (Montreal 2012) and the sunflower movement (Taipei 2014). The show is a live window to the world to question our time and our desire for revolution. 

The show is inspired on the personal experiences of the performers and communicates viewers directly with five citizens who lived those events. It is a poetic exploration of their dreams, hopes and disappointment in relation with their desire for revolution. What can we share with our contemporaries who live hundreds of miles away during a theatrical event? The scene becomes a space of intersections, where experiences, imaginaries and emotions of the protagonists converge. A scenic experience that is, in itself, a revolution.

Ricard Soler Mallol is founder of the Barcelona company Obskené. He has created performances such as Alpenstock, Glass city/Ciutat de vidre (2016 Grec Festival of Barcelona) or the contemporary version of a classic Lope de Vega, Fuenteovejuna, brief treatise on domestic sheep. Mireille Camier, on her part, is a director from Montreal who has deepened into Contemporary German dramaturgy and bets on  an inmersive show that redefines the relationship with the  audience.

A co-production of the 2019 Grec Festival of Barcelona, la Companyia Obskené and Productions Quitte ou Double.

With the support of La Serre – arts vivants (Montreal), ZH Festival (Montreal), Théâtre La Chapelle - Scènes Contemporaines (Montreal), Productions Recto-Verso (Quebec), la maison de la culture Parc-Extension (Montreal), L’Artisto (Tunis), Conseil des arts du Canada, Conseil des arts du Montréal, Fondation Cole (Montreal) and Commission internationale du théâtre francophone.

On tuesday 16th July there will be a post-show talk with the company.

Artistic card

Direction and dramaturgy: Mireille Camier, Ricard Soler Mallol Interpretation: David Teixidó (Barcelona),  Ons Trabelsi (Tunis), Rambod Vala (Teheran), Jean-François Boisvenue (Montreal), Yu Yen-Fang (Taipei) Scenography: Cassandre Chatonnier Scenography assistance: Léa Pennel Lighting design: Catherine Fournier-Poirier Sound design / sound concept: Ariane Lamarre Video design: Jean-François Boisvenue Technical head: Catherine Fournier-Poirier Dramaturgy advice: Chloé Gagné Dion Production: Obskené, Productions Quitte ou Double



  • Dates
  • Space

    Sala Hiroshima

    Carrer de Vila i Vilà, 67, 08004 Barcelona, Espanya

  • Duration
  • Language
    Multilingüe amb sobretitulació en català
  • Price