Intocable + Adê

  • Cinema
  • Espectacles amb cor

Sala Montjuïc

Return of a Festival classic: film sessions accompanied by good music that turn the old moat, Fossat de Santa Eulàlia, into a large open-air cinema. Summer nights at Montjuïc Castle.

Concert with Adê (8.45 pm)

Morna, batuku, caladeira and funana are styles that put Cape Verde on the musical map, thanks to Cesária Évora and Teófilo Chantre. The Cape Verde musician Adê merges these roots with jazz and Brazilian music, creating his own style. Years ago he arrived in the Canary Islands, where he recorded his first solo album Branku Na Pretu, and now he’s presenting his second, Hello Cabo Verde, which was recorded in Barcelona, where he recently settled.


Screening of Untouchable (France, 2011), by Olivier Nakache (10 pm)

Philippe, a millionaire aristocrat left paralysed by a paragliding accident, hires Driss, an immigrant from a poor neighbourhood just out of prison, as his home carer. Although at first sight he does not appear to be the best choice, the two succeed in bringing two opposing worlds together before finally forming a strong, absurd and unexpected friendship.

One of the most successful and highest-earning French comedies of all time. A hilarious, human and intelligent film that introduced us to the renowned Omar Sy.

Not recommended for spectators under 7.
