Israel Galván

  • Dansa

La Fiesta

A bailaor (flamenco dancer) who has combined his art with the most up-to-date forms of contemporary dance invites artists in the most diverse styles to get up on stage. He organizes a fiesta that, like life itself, is at one and the same time about celebration and war.

We have seen Israel Galván incorporating steps and ideas into his flamenco techniques that come from dance theatre or contemporary dance. This desire to rethink the very way of dancing based on the way other people dance, of dancing with others while avoiding group choreographies, now brings him to share the stage with eight dancers and musicians. They pool their talents while rebelling against space and time, in a fiesta that is at once war and rebellion. They express themselves in a language of their own composed of the sum of all the languages they use: contemporary dance and flamenco, performance, onomatopoeias and guttural sounds, words pronounced in the most diverse languages.

Yes, this is a polyphonic show put together from the search for total freedom that is so typical of Israel Galván. And from the explorations of the world of folk and rock of the violinist, singer and dancer Eloísa Cantón; the talent of guitarist Emilio Caracafé (one of the many artists born in the Seville neighbourhood of Las 3.000 Viviendas); the traditional flamenco of the bailaor (and pianist, cantaor (singer), percussionist and palmero) from Cádiz El Junco. The art of the bailaor from Malaga Ramón Martínez; of the invisible landscapes that the cantaor and star of independent music Niño de Elche creates with his voice and guitar; the imposing presence of the gypsy artist Uchi; the voice of the Tunisian artist Alia Sellami, trained in Arab music, lyrical poetry and jazz … All these voices and presences are part of an on-stage fiesta that starts with flamenco but which expresses itself most powerfully in diversity.

Artistic card

Concepció / direcció artística i coreografia: Israel Galván; Aparato: Pedro G. Romero ; Interpretació: Israel Galván, Eloísa Cantón, Emilio Caracafé, El Junco, Ramón Martínez, Niño de Elche, Alejandro Rojas-Marcos, Alia Sellami, Uchi. Amb la col·laboració especial del cor Byzantine Ensemble Polytropon: Panagiotis Andriopoulos (director), Angelos Bentis, Charalampos Kalapanidas, Dimitrios Karadimas
; Disseny de la il·luminació: Carlos Marquerie; Codirecció musical: Israel Galván i Niño de Elche; Col€laboració en la posada en escena: Patricia Caballero; Ajudantia en la posada en escena i regiduria: Balbina Parra ; Escenografia i direcció tècnica: Pablo Pujol; Disseny del so: Pedro León; Vestuari: Peggy Housset; Coordinació artística: Carole Fierz; Direcció de producció: Cisco Casado - A Negro Producciones; Assessoria de producció: Dietrich Grosse; Management en gira i ajudantia de producció: Amparo Hernández; Comunicació: Jaime Quintero; Assessorament a la producció: Dietrich Grosse
; Ajudantia de producció: Amparo Hernández



  • Start date
  • End date
  • Schedule
    10 p.m.
  • Space

    Teatre Grec

    Passeig de Santa Madrona, 36, 08038 Barcelona, Espanya

  • Duration
    90 min
  • Price
    16 €-30 €