
  • Teatre

Koffi Kwahulé / Raimon MOlins

Jaz fuses poetic fable, musical performance and paean to women. This urban tale introduces us to the universe of Koffi Kwahulé, a playwright born in the Ivory Coast and educated in Paris who weaves jazz into the very structure of his works. Jazz is the centre around which Kwahulé’s poetry revolves. Perhaps that is why he gave the protagonist of this dreamlike play, a woman who speaks little and lives between public toilets and a maid’s room, the name Jaz. But, though Jaz remains silent, her friend speaks for her, leading us around an urban world – our own – a terrible, violent, beastly world, but one where beauty also grows: the most beautiful lotus flowers, they say, thrive in excrement.

Artistic card

Intèrprets: Txell Manyoses, Mireia Trias; Música: Johann Sebastian Bach, Johann Paul Von Westhoff, Heinrich Ignaz Franz Biber, Locatelli; Direcció: Raimon Molins; Idea original: Javier Aracil; Traducció: Mireia Trias, Raimon Molins; Direcció musical: Roger Junyent, Cecília Clarés; Interpretació musical: Roger Junyent; Escenografia: Larna Teatre, Atrium; Disseny de llums: Raimon Rius; Vestuari: Larna Teatre, Atrium; Cap tècnic: David Valero; Comunicació: Comèdia; Disseny gràfic: Joan Bacardi;


Koffi Kwahulé/Raimon Molins


  • Start date
  • End date
  • Schedule
    Wednesday-Saturday, 9 pm. Sundays, 7 pm.
  • Space

    Sala Atrium

    Carrer del Consell de Cent, 435, 08009 Barcelona, Espanya

  • Duration
    60 min
  • Price