Joan Maragall, el ciutadà

  • Altres

Rosa Novell says Maragall in the Vil·la Joana

Jacint Verdaguer spent his last days at Vil·la Joana, an old farmhouse in the Collserola hills, just a short train journey from Plaça de Catalunya. This masia has now been taken over by the local authority, and the History Museum of Barcelona (MUHBA) plans to convert the site into a centre for literature, the city and nature.
The villa provides the ideal setting in which to pay homage to Joan Maragall. In this event, Rosa Novell will read from the poet’s works in the evening, accompanied by Fanny Silvestre on the cello. These are two dates with Joan Maragall, a poet and essayist committed to Barcelona but also fascinated by a richly sensual rural world to which he knew he did not belong. Before and after the recitals, spectators are invited to visit the house-museum and to see the exhibition devoted to Verdaguer.

Artistic card

Selecció de textos: Lluís Quintana, Rosa Novell; Intèrpret: Rosa Novell; Violoncel: Fanny Silvestre;
