JULIA SMELLS like teen spirit

  • Teatre

de Jordi Casanovas

Júlia is a rock star. Júlia never wanted to be a rock star. Júlia wanted to destroy all rock stars. So few people understand what Júlia thinks now that the first person to show her some affection will probably be rewarded by her love. So few people understand what Júlia thinks now that everyone will no doubt say she has gone mad. Julia smells... is an original piece in which Jordi Casanovas finds inspiration in August Strindberg’s myth of Miss Julie and in the life—or, perhaps, death—of Kurt Cobain, leader of the band Nirvana. A work that questions the value of the success, fame and social recognition that more and more young (and not so young) people seem to need in order to consider their lives to be fulfilled.

Artistic card

Text i direcció: Jordi Casanovas; Intèrprets: Mia Esteve, Ruben Ametllé, Patrícia Bargalló; Disseny d'espai sonor: Damien Bazin; Disseny d'il·luminació: David Bofarull; Fotografia: Roser Blanch; Ajudant de direcció i producció executiva: Marta Alarcón; Música: Eric Gòmez; Vestuari: Clara Cols; Construcció de l'escenografia: Xarli;


Jordi Casanovas


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    Teatre Lliure Montjuïc

    Passeig de Santa Madrona, 40