
  • Teatre

A story of the street. Based on the novel John Berger

King is a dog. Perhaps a dog who believes himself a man. Perhaps a man who believes himself a dog. King, the companion of Vico and Vica, an elderly couple who live in a dump, offers us the portrait of a world that is harsh and cruel, but also enduring and moving. King, the latest novel by John Berger, is a journey into one of the hidden faces of the capitalism: the world of the dispossessed, of those rejected by the system and who have become its victims. Berger’s every word breathes tenderness. And, in the end, one question: Who survives? Who, and why?

Artistic card

Direcció: Carlota Subirós; Direcció i espai escènic: Carlota Subirós; Adaptació: Carlota Subirós, Gonzalo Conill; Traducció: Pilar Vázquez; Intèrpret: Vuit persones de figuració, Abdelaziz El Mountassir, Gonzalo Cunill; Espai sonor: Àlex Polls; Il·luminació: Mingo Albir; Tècnic de so: Jaume Ferrer; Ajudant de direcció: Ferran Dordal; Fotografia: Bito Cels;


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    Biblioteca de Catalunya

    Carrer de l'Hospital, 56, 08001 Barcelona, Espanya

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