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  • Dansa

Centro Coreográfico Galego - Roberto Oliván

“If you have the answer to every situation, then you are a robot. If you have two answers to every situation, then you face a dilemma. If you have three, then you are starting to be flexible. But only if you have infinite solutions to each situation can you aspire to complete freedom”. Taking this reflection as his starting point, the Catalan choreographer Roberto Oliván presents this show, a mixture of dance, theatre, illusionism, video and animation. Live music, featuring Mercedes Peón, the reinventor of Galician folk, also plays an important role. The characters in this piece have been excluded from our world because the Powers That Be have lost control over them. Now, they live in an unknown parallel world in which they do not even recognise their fellow inhabitants. It is time to start again from scratch, to decide what the new priorities shall be...

Artistic card

Direcció i coreografia: Roberto Oliván; Dramatúrgia: Roberto Magro "Tober"; Elements escènics: Rodrigo Roel; Vestuari: Ruth D. Pereira; Creació i edició de vídeo: Fiomfoto; Videoanimació: Muriel Félix; Assessorament de màgia: Mago Antón i Lipar and Company; Música en directe: Mercedes Peón; Il·luminació: Baltasar Patiño; Fotografia: Victor Rivera Jove; Ballarins: Hannah Shakti Buhler, Gabriela Mathé, Kirenia Martínez Acosta, Nuria Sotelo Rodríguez, Ana Beatriz Pérez Enríquez, Lenka Bartunkova, Álvaro Esteban López, Jordi Vilaseca Lorite, Anna Calsina Forrellad, Natxo Montero Matia, Henrique Peón;


Roberto Magro "Tober"


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  • Space

    Mercat de les Flors

    Plaça Margarida Xirgu, 1, 08004 Barcelona