A la Chita callando

  • Activitats paral·leles

Alicia Reyero

An audiovisual research project on silence that was made possible thanks to the Beques Barcelona Crea grants launched by the City Council in 2020.

Silence is the central theme of this audiovisual document created by Alicia Reyero. It is a multidisciplinary research and creation project that proposes research around the concept of silence. “A la Chita callando”, explains Reyero, “is everything we do to achieve something but don’t say”. The fact is, silences, like words, have different prices and rewards. There are words spoken in offices with the power to punish thousands of people for no reason and there are words capable of provoking an infinite chain of silences. They are silences we know and recognise, habitable silences to which we return.

A 2022 Barcelona Grec Festival and Bloody Mary - activisme escènic co-production.

With the support of the Barcelona Institute of Culture (ICUB), the Cultural Initiatives Support Office (OSIC), the 2020 Beques Barcelona Crea and the Barcelona Centre for Contemporary Culture (CCCB).

Project in collaboration with La Bonne.

Further information and booking (from 15 June):


Artistic card

Playwright and director: Alicia Reyero Performed by: Pauline Ezkerra, Tai Fati, Laia Manzanares, Ilona Muñoz, Pau de Nut, Maria Roig Original music: Pau de Nut, Paula Jornet Executive producer: Lola Armadàs Staging: Paula Bosch Lighting: Ganecha Gil Costumes: Néstor Reina Assistant director: Rosa Devesa Visual's assistant director: Clàudia Aragón D.O.P: Anna Molins Aknowledgements: Teatre Arnau Itinerant
