La realidad

  • Escena híbrida

L’Antic Teatre, al Grec 2018

The independent Barcelona scene has its stage at the Antic Teatre which, one more year, participates in the Grec by contributing with some of the most innovative and risky proposals of the moment.

How can our view of reality be manipulated? They ask Jaime Vallaure and Rafael Lamata, the two members of the scenic group Los Torreznos, dedicated to working on performances by using humor from a conceptual perspective. And, in their representations, they use a minimum of elements that are usually the body and the word.

They’ll do it one more time while they pose a scenic game that is presented in Catalonia for the first time and in which we are invited to analyze where we are as spectators and where the actors are, to think about what we see and to look at the elements to which we give more attention, realizing why we consider them important. Various actions will allow us to distinguish between the objective and subjective view and will make us understand what factors lead to a reading or other of what we have before our eyes.

Artistic card

Creation, direction, realization and production: Los Torreznos (Jaime Vallaure y Rafael Lamata).


  • Dates
  • Space

    Antic Teatre

    Carrer Verdaguer i Callís, 12, 08003 Barcelona

  • Duration
  • Language
  • Price
    10 - 12